Natural Code has been actively supporting solidarity initiatives and sustainable practices for years to promote the well-being of the community and the environment. All these activities, from safeguarding the Mediterranean Sea to helping kennels and shelters for needy pets, are collected under the name GOGREEN. GOGREEN is the green transition that we are carrying out for the good of ourselves and our pets with awareness-raising, events, challenges and financing of activities for the environment and society.

Our main initiatives that we have carried out are:

A project aimed at protecting the oceans and coasts through the reduction of pollution, coastal erosion and the protection of the seabed thanks to the laying of posidonia meadows on the seabed of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Every year the seas absorb approximately 30% of the carbon dioxide emissions we produce, making an essential contribution to limiting global warming. The continuation of climate change leads to higher temperatures also in the oceans, thus also modifying marine ecosystems. In this context, Natural Code, in collaboration with Pet Store Conad and in partnership with ZeroCo2 and Worldrise took part in a first important seabed regeneration project in the Golfo Aranci in Sardinia.

The project achieved the objective of planting a 100 m posidonia grove.

Caring for Nature is the project with which we at Natural Code take care of nature and our territory, aiming to become a model of sustainability in the Pet Food sector.

The Caring for Nature path involves the creation of redevelopment projects on Italian territory, for the protection and recovery of biodiversity and natural ecosystems.

The redevelopment of one hectare of anthropized forest in the province of Modena is the first step in this process

Unfortunately, there are many natural spaces that have been anthropized, or altered to serve human interests. The first step of the Caring For Nature project will not only give new oxygen to an area of our territory but will contribute to the protection of biodiversity.

In the same way as the "suspended coffee", the Suspended Meal consists of donating a meal and giving a moment of joy to dogs and cats awaiting adoption or guests of kennels and catteries. At the same time we will give some relief to the shelters, kennels and catteries that take care of them.

Each participating association received the Suspended Meal Box as an ongoing donation, on a monthly basis throughout 2021!